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God's Not Done With Us

Aug 12

2 min read




In my opinion, real Christians are the ones who are being ridiculed, mocked, threatened and even killed for their beliefs, because they're the ones who refuses to remain silent. Even through the fear of death, they find the strength to call out to God and not deny His name. I, myself refuse to remain silent and because of that, I've been ridiculed, I've been mocked and I've been threatened because of my faith, my beliefs and if death were to come my way, I too will have the strength to call out to God and let death take me. I will never in any situation, deny Christ my Savior. To all you Christians, Saints, Brethren and Sisters who are afraid, silent, afraid of the world and prideful; how much do you love God? When Jesus laid down His life, He did it for you. Do you have what it takes to lay down your life, to take on the world for His namesake? Do you have the courage to fight, to speak up, to be the servant God wants you to be? Time is changing; yes we are being persecuted and the time is now more than ever to speak up. Speak up, you Christians, you Saints of God make a stand, be courageous and never let your voice be silent. There's a great Revival coming, I can feel it in my heart and my soul. God's not done with America. God's not done with Israel. God's not done with Canada. God's not done with Mexico, China, Japan, the U.K. God's not done with the world. There's a great Revival coming and our voice, His voice will be heard. Christ came down to lead by example and we should follow, not hide and remain silent. His Word is love, not hate and His Word should not be left silent. Do unto those what you would want done unto you. Help those who need lifting. Feed those who are hungry. Clothes those who are naked. Christ is returning soon and there are those who still needs help, your help, His help. Let Christ work through you. Don't be afraid, be courageous. Don't be silent, speak up. Don't just sit through this, make a stand. Don't give in to what the world thinks of you, give in to what God commands of you. Be courageous and be the Saint He made you to be. The great Revival is coming and again I say, 'Let our voice, His voice be heard.'

“Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake.  Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you. Matthew 5:11-12 NKJV

Aug 12

2 min read