Just because something may appear harmless physically, doesn't mean it's not harmful spiritually. The devil is the king of deception and the greatest deception the enemy can pull is having you believe that something is harmless, but just because something may appear as harmless, it may look harmless, it may feel harmless, it may even taste harmless doesn't mean that it isn't harmful to your soul. The enemy knows the best way to deceive someone, and that is by making something appear as something harmless, because in our heart we might want to allow it because we see no harm in that. And that is the worm on the hook that causes you to be further away from God. By believing in that deceit, it becomes a wedge, and that wedge leads to doubt, and that doubt leads you to doubting the word of God. You start questioning, "Why would God allow this to happen?" "Why would God allow people to be born that way if He's against it?" "God is a loving God, He would not make mistakes like this?" "Truly there's no harm in what they're doing?" "There's nothing wrong with it?" That is the power of Deceit that the enemy, the devil wields. He knows how to warp our minds. He knows the scripture all too well. The Bible says our heart will deceive us and the enemy, he knows that and he preys on our hearts. He knows by getting to our hearts, he can get to our mind. This is why scripture tells us that we are not to lean on our own understanding, but to trust in the Lord in all our ways. By trusting in the Lord it helps us to overcome the enemies deception. The Bible says the enemy is like a roaring lion seeking to devour. He knows all the plays in the book to manipulate us, and he will not stop until he wins us. He knows the scripture and he knows his punishment, but he keeps on doing what he's doing because he wants to hurt God as much as he can. He knows that God loves us so much and that is what angers the devil. He knows his time is almost over, but he wants to take as many of us as he possibly can with him, because not everyone will be welcomed into Paradise after the great judgment. There will be several who will join Satan with his punishment. So next time you see something on social media, or you're listening to a song, or watching a movie, or whatever else it might be. Question yourself, "Is this going to be harmful on my spirit?" and if you don't know, take it up with God and trust that He will guide you to the right answers that you seek. But whatever you do, don't trust your own understanding and don't follow your heart.
Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron, forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from foods which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth. I Timothy 4:1-3 NKJV