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The reason why people don't want to believe in Christ

Aug 12, 2024

3 min read




The reason why people don't want to believe in Christ, isn't due to lack of evidence. I mean the evidence is all around. You can breakdown the Bible and you'll find no flaw. Go to Israel and check out the archaeological sites, you'll see more evidence. The reason why they don't want to believe, isn't because of lack of evidence. They don't want to believe, because they want to do there own thing. They want the freedom to do whatever they want without any consequences. They want to steal, they want to fornicate, lie, cheat get drunk and do all kinds of sexual immorality. They want to do that which makes the flesh feel good. They don't want to follow Christ, because he tells us not to do those things and to guard our soul. Jesus says, those things are wrong and that it will corrupt our soul. But they don't want to hear any of that. Because they're already following another religion, called Self-love. That religion of self teaches you that if it feels good, do it. It encourages you to follow your heart, instead of following Christ. The Bible warns us about how deceitful our hearts really are. But nothing good can come from self-love. I'm not talking the self-love that's about hygiene care, that should come naturally, such as taking care of our body by washing or brushing your teeth. I'm talking about self-love that is built on lies, that doesn't pleases God but pleases the flesh. It's this earthly pleasure that they do not want to give up. And so they mock us, and they throw it in our face as a means of bragging. Basically they're telling us, "Look at what we can do, but you can't." But whatever they do to us, we must remember to turn the other cheek. Love your enemies and pray for them. Stop telling these people who are lost, that God hates them and that they are going to hell. That will only push them that much further away. And that will give them that much more excuse to mock us. We should be welcoming like Christ. The Bible says we should call out sin, but we should do so in a loving way. You'll be surprised how many Christians I see on Tiktok preaching on the street, who are being aggressive, showing hate and not being Godly, definitely not acting like Jesus. We want the world to see Christ in us, that is what it means to be a Christian. Don't be hateful, don't be quick to condemn, don't be judging, and stop acting as if you are above everybody, because that is pride. As Christians, we are not to be prideful, but humble. I have seen so many Christians who act as if they are perfect and above everybody, but I know for a fact I am not perfect, that is why Christ is my savior. We need to remind this world that is lost to this religion of self who God really is, and God is love. So stop telling thim where they're going if they don't repent, this world is already dark, they don't want to hear more darkness. What they want to hear is that they are loved and who loves them. We are to be salt and light. So if you're going to preach on the street, don't preach damnation, but preach that Jesus loves. Don't be aggressive, show humility and peace, be humble as you show love. We are to be planting seeds and the best way to plant seeds, is by showing the love of Christ. It's videos like that that I've seen on tiktok that shows people showing what the love of Christ is, that seems to be changing people more. So we need to get on the right track Church and stop pushing people away. Yes the world will still hate us for Christ's namesake, but by showing humility, peace, humbling ourselves and Christ's love, we have a better chance on saving more souls. I have heard countless testimonies from exgays and former atheists, who says the ones who have led them to Christ had the kindest, most humble heart. We can easily bring more souls to Christ without conforming with the world, we just have to be more humble and show more humility.

Aug 12, 2024

3 min read





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Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1 NKJV


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